Cement Industry is more that what its seen

1.Cement as the inevitable material to our lives
       Cement, as the fundamental material of construction, is a crucial element to the development of both private sectors, government and national defense industry. Except countries without natural resources of limestone, all countries have dedicated in supplying its demand of cement from within their country to ensure the stable supply of the precious and crucial source of cement and maintain the ability to react to various changes of the construction. Take U.S., Japan and Germany as example, almost 90% of their cement consumption is produced and supplied domestically as the quality and stable supply are by nature crucial to infrastructure of a country. Hence, it should not be hard to find the importance of Cement industry as a fundamental industry to the development of a country.

2.Contribution of Cement to Nation and Society
       Cement is an inevitable material to all sorts of constructions ranging from civil engineering construction such as housing, road, bridges and wharf, national defense construction to restoration after natural disaster such as typhoon or earthquakes. Our cement industry has dedicated in supporting all major government projects for last couple decades such as Ten Major Infrastructure Project and Six-year National Development Plan aiming at providing fundamental infrastructure which is closely related to housing and transportation of our lives. Further we provide a solid foundation for the development of economy. Cement industry is intimately bounded with the locals by creating stable jobs for thousands from related industries and takes care of the lives of local workers. In addition, the industry also cares about maintaining a friendly relationship with the neighborhood and care for the society where they situated. As far as the concern of developed countries, cement industry is an essential industry which is closely related to many other industries weather upstream or downstream and is particularly crucial to national defense and regular household and infrastructure. It wouldn’t be exaggerating to say cement is the foundation to all industries of a country.

3.Cement manufacturer has complied to government policy for long, dedicated to play their parts in promoting environmental protection and social responsibility in order to replicate prosperity of Taiwan as it once did.
       Due to the “3T” features of the cement kiln, High Temperature, Residence Times, and Strong Turbulence, it is internationally acknowledged as the most effective facilities for the disposal of industrial waste. Cement manufacturers in Europe, America, Japan and China have been promoting and supporting the disposal of recycledwaste and industrial by-product in the cement industry. As have been verified by authoritative scientific institution, manufacturers of high-tech industries have been seeking to the “3T” features of the cement kiln to deal with the calcium fluoride and waste solution produced during the production and recycle the resources to reduce production cost, strengthen the competitiveness and can actually eliminate the impact on the environment.
       The entire production process and mining activities of cement manufacturers are supervised and controlled by the regulatory authorities, complying with the Water and Soil Conservation Program which was examined, with high scrutiny by government and specialists in advance. In addition, cement manufacturers have realized the significance and responsibilities of coexistence and co-prosperity between the mining production and environmental protection, by implementing the newest technology and investing in high ecological preservation cost in mining engineering. In reality, it is rarely identified that environmental disasters result from mining activities of cement industry. Innovative concept and technology of cement quarry mining in Taiwan has been awarded by Taiwan government and Chinese Mining Engineer Association, and recognized worldwide as the quarry rehabilitation model by Japan Limestone Association in 2008 and Australian Government in 2011.
       Business operation and environmental sustainable development are closely linked in terms of manufacturing, quality control, and safeguard of human race. To dedicate for our global village is our responsibility that never sacrifice the environmental protection. For last couple years, cement manufacturers has regrded environmental protection as the top priority, the introduction of green manufacturing process, and integration of resources, fulfilling the significant promise of corporate social responsibilities.
