Water and soil conservation has been well implemented in the quarry areas of our Hsinchu Plant and Hualien Plant. In order to comply with the greenification promoted by the government, a variety of trees, such as Taiwan Acacia, Miscanthus floridulus (Labill)Ward, Formosa Sweet Gum, Michelia Formosana, and Taiwan Alder, have been planted in the plant site. Close to the Taroko National Park, the Hualien Plant makes special efforts to plantation and re-vegetation. Over the years it has channeled sizable manpower and funds into greenifying its mined areas and has proved the bid highly successful. Besides, in order to do an even better job, the Hualien Plant has begun cooperation with the ROC Society of Engineering Environment and the ROC Association of Ecological Protection, which provide plantation expertise and transfer management technology and run a nursery for large-scale cultivation of seedlings. Because of its outstanding record in the field, the Hualien Plant was awarded a medal by the Chinese Institute of Mining And Metallurgical Engineers and was cited several times by the Taiwan Provincial Bureau of Mines as a model mine. In 1992, the Hualien County Government and in 2003, Environment Greenery Association presented the Hualien Plant with a citation in recognition of its excellent achievement in greenifying as ACC commited.
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