Great news to share! Asia Cement's innovative and environmentally friendly achievements are once again recognized by the latest issue of the International

Cement Review (ICR), one of the most authoritative cement industry journal, and Asia Cement's theme for this publication is:

🌳🌍Forest Factory: Asia Cement's New Circular Economy Solutions and Biodiversity Restoration Program🚀🌱

Asia Cement's Hualien plant has an annual cement production capacity of 5 million tons and creat near 1000 job opportunities for local communities. In the face of climate change challenges, Asia Cement has actively promoted circular economy and biodiversity, with remarkable results.

The article lists four of Asia Cement's innovative technologies and practices in recent years for reference by cement peers around the world:

🔄 Recycling technology that creates new value for waste wind turbine blades.
♻️ Taiwan's first set of special cooling medium feeding equipment for cement kilns to reduce ozone layer destruction.
🌳 Mine revegetation, planting over 100,000 trees to restore mined land to its original forest state.
🌼 Cultivating seeds of sustainable hope, establishing Asia Cement Ecological Park to restore butterflies, stick insects and native Taiwanese tree species.

Asia Cement is committed to sustainable development and has become a preferred partner for green buildings, contributing to environmental protection. Being featured on ICR is an affirmation of our efforts and showcases our outstanding achievements in circular economy and biodiversity.

We welcome our friends to read the full text of ICR to learn more about Asia Cement's footprints along the way. We will continue to work hard to create a better environment for the future.
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