Zero Tolerance for Corruption and Bribery - Asia Cement Acquired ISO 37001 International Certification Asia Cement is in line with international standards, implements ESG, and establishes the highest ethical standards. At the end of last year, The Board of Directors officially approved an anti-bribery management policy. Recently, it has also acquired ISO 37001 certification for its anti-corruption management system. The certification ceremony was held on July the 6th. Mr. Lee, Kun-yen, President of Asia Cement, received the certificate on behalf of the company. Mr. Lee emphasized that "zero tolerance for corruption" is not merely a slogan. It is through internal education and training that the staff strengthen their awareness of anti-corruption and anti-bribery practice. The goal is to base the operation of the Company on integrity, minimize business risks, and promote positive corporate values to achieve sustainable business objectives. Asia Cement explained that it has adopted the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model during integration of ISO 37001 standard into its anti-corruption management system with the assistance of Deloitte & Touche, Taiwan. The highest level of the management system is the President Lee, and the Department of Secretary is assigned to act as an independent and impartial unit responsible for prevention of corruption and bribery. In cases of any significant bribery, this unit has the authority to report directly to the highest level. The anti-corruption management policy applies to all stakeholders, including directors, managers, employees, suppliers, and business partners associated with Asia Cement. Asia Cement emphasized a strict prohibition on any form of improper interests. If any company personnel are reported to be involved in bribery, the designated prevention team, guided by principles of fairness and thoroughness, would investigate the allegation to determine its validity. Once confirmed, appropriate internal disciplinary measures would be implemented based on the severity of the offense. Individuals dismissed are permanently barred from reemployment within Asia Cement or its related enterprises. The case will be reported to the authorities or the applicable judicial bodies, if necessary. In cases involving improper dealings with public officials, relevant government anti-corruption agencies will also be informed. If the misuse of their positions resulting in detriment to the company, actions will be taken to claim for compensation to cover the company’s losses in addition to the termination of employment. Peter Pu, the Northeast Asia Regional Director of the British Standards Institution (BSI), commended Asia Cement for its proactive implementation of ESG practices, which is ahead of many other companies. By obtaining certification for its anti-corruption management system, Asia Cement has demonstrated a culture of integrity within the company. This not only aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals but also serves as a testament to its excellent governance capabilities. Tai, Hsin Wei, CPA, Deloitte & Touche, Taiwan believes that certification is not the end but rather a positive start. Through this certification by ISO 37001, more people will come to recognize Asia Cement as a well-governed company. To ensure that all employees identify with the core concept of ethical management, Asia Cement has been organizing various courses and trainings since 2021. Internal and external legal professionals have been invited to teach, analyze and explain, from both legal and practical aspects of this issue. The goal of these courses is to help seed personnels comprehensively carry out anti-corruption management policy, develop the ability to follow through cross-audits within the company and to eliminate any risk of bribery. As of early 2023, eight courses have been conducted, emphasizing the importance of internal controls to enhance the value of honesty and probity, and to promote a business culture of integrity.
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