臺灣永續指數為臺灣指數公司與國際指數公司富時羅素共同合編,為國內第一檔完整結合 E (環境) 、S (社會)、G (公司治理) 與財務指標篩選的投資型 ESG指數,可突顯入選成分股企業於實踐 ESG 永續發展工作的績效表現。臺灣永續指數已正式獲勞退基金採用作為委外代操標的,金額達 420 億元臺幣 同時並已正式授權國內基金與 ETF 領航者元大投信規劃發行指數金融商品,未來可提供投資大眾及機構法人參與永續責任投資的管道。
“FTSE Russell (the trading name of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) confirms that“FTSE Russell (the trading name of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) confirms that "Asia Cement Corporation" has been independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria, and has satisfied the requirements tobecome a constituent of the FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index. Created by the global index provider FTSE Russell andpartnered with Taiwan Index Plus (TIP) Corporation, the FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index is designed to measure theperformance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. The FTSE4Goodindexes are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and otherproducts.”