#第17款格式1重大訊息申報 #【The date of the shareholders’ meeting must be entered into “Status of #Dividend Distributions” in “Financial Analysis Data, Status of dividend #distributions, and Capital Formation Process Reporting Procedures” in this #Corporation’s Internet reporting system】 #【A public announcement of the date of the shareholders' meeting must be #entered into the "Reporting Procedures for Public Announcements" in this #Corporation's Internet reporting system】 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Company code:1102 No:5 Subject:Announcement of ACC's BOD resolution to convene @2010 regular shareholders' meeting. To which item it meets--article 2 paragraph xx:17 Date of events:2010/03/22 Contents: 1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2010/03/22 2.Date for convening the shareholders' meeting:2010/06/08 3.Location for convening the shareholders' meeting:No.20, Sec. 1, Changsha @St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan @(The banquet hall in Taipei Hero House) 4.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting: @(1)Reporting events: @A.2009 Business Report. @B.2009 Financial Report. @C.Supervisor's Review Report on the 2009 Financial Statements. @D.Report of issued corporate bond. @(2)Recognizing events: @A.To accept 2009 Financail Statements. @B.To approve 2009 profit distribution proposal. @(3)Discussing events: @A.Proposal for a new share issue through capitalization of earnings. @B.Amendment to the Operational Procedures for Loaning of Company Funds. @C.Amendment to the Operational Procedures for Endorsements and Guarantees. @(4)Questions and Motions. 5.Book closure starting date:2010/04/10 6.Book closure ending date:2010/06/08 7.Any other matters that need to be specified:none. #欄位說明 #Company code:輸入4位公司代號 #No:不可重複,不可跳號 #Subject:每行58bytes,最多3行,換行時,請於第2行以後之開頭加@符號,再輸入資料 # (英文字母/數字/符號為1 byte,中文字母為2 bytes) #To which item it meets--article 2 paragraph xx:2bytes #To which item it meets--article 2 paragraph xx:為欄位名稱,請於:之後填入資料 #Date of events: YYYY/MM/DD(年度為"西元年",可輸入4位之年度) #Contents:(英文字母/數字/符號為1 byte,中文字母為2 bytes) # 每行78bytes(包括換行符號@和標題),若為文字欄位則無行數限制 # (請自行按"Enter"來增加行數,換行時,請於第2行以後之開頭加@符號,再輸入資料) # 如內容不可空白但不適用時,請輸入"不適用" # 內容如為日期欄位,可輸入單一日期或日期區間,格式為YYYY/MM/DD,日期區間請以"~"符號作區隔 # ,如須與事實發生日作比對,單一日期則以其日期為準,日期區間則以區間結束日期為準,如無須輸入請輸入"NA" # 例:2000/01/01 #   2000/01/01~2000/12/31 #1.Date of the board of directors resolution:日期欄位,不可空白,日期須與事實發生日相同 #2.Date for convening the shareholders' meeting:日期欄位,不可空白 #3.Location for convening the shareholders' meeting:文字欄位,不可空白 #4.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting:文字欄位,不可空白 #5.Book closure starting date:日期欄位,不可空白 #6.Book closure ending date:日期欄位,不可空白 #7.Any other matters that need to be specified:文字欄位,不可空白